  • This is the place I was born in
  • And where I did all my school until A-level
  • Followed by 15 months of civil service within the Red Cross
  • And finally I started studying Civil Engineering for 2,5 years
  • In 1996 I moved to this nice town to continue my studies
  • And I spent a lot of my free time in the mountains next door
  • What started as a 2 months summer job (translating a Road Construction programme)
  • Ended 6 months later at the end of 1997
  • I successfully finished my studies in 1999
  • And started my first job in early 2000
  • Is the place I lived in for about 5 years
  • And there are so many things to see
  • I work in Geneva, Switzerland
  • But live in Annecy (close to the lake and the mountains)
  • eiffel tower